Far Too Long

It has been a year and 3 days (I checked) since my last post. A lot of things happened in my life at that time which made me stop blogging. It was a personal decision – not that all that many people even read this blog.

But I have now decided to start this blog back up. This had been a place for me to share my interests and I would like to continue doing just that. I love to cook, read, and be an overall smart ass. I know a whole lot of quotes and so I tend to use them to make myself sound smarter.

I hope to make updating this blog into a regular thing. So without further ado allow me to get back to creating amazing recipes to share.


Of Life and Death

Dear friends, I want to apologize for not keeping up with my blogging. These past two weeks (I think), have been purely insane! Allow me to explain.

I have been a caregiver for some time, taking care of an ailing old lady (hey, she was 100 I can call her old). It worked well for me, I could work nights and still go to college and afford to, oh I don’t know … LIVE! Two weeks ago the lady that I had taken care of for four years died, it was a long time coming and her death was almost a relief. The final week of her life became very bad in both her temperament and everything that happened around her. Even though I knew full well that her time was up a few weeks before her death it was still a shock to all of a sudden find myself without a job. I have money saved up so being temporarily unemployed would not a catastrophic event for me, the bills would still get paid and no credit cards would be charged.

Yet it was still quite unsettling to not have a paycheck coming in. I almost immediately begin searching for a job, but not knowing what it is that I truly want to do with my life made it hard. My old job had been comfortable for me, it was far from a dream job but it payed the bills and provided me with a comfortable schedule that allowed me to be heavily involved in my church and also continue my education. Now I had to think of what I actually wanted do with my life. My mom suggested that maybe I should move back in with them and focus on completing my education. I love my parents, they are the best parents that anyone could have (in my humble opinion). But to move back in with them after having lived on my own for three years, after having experienced freedom from them; Mom, I love you but NO FREAKING WAY!

Than a golden opportunity knocked, my friend’s dad has a business, their office manager is pregnant and has just been placed on very strict bed rest to save the baby. So he needed someone immediately, or as close to that as possible. So here I am with my little bit of experience working in an office, mind you a medical office, in high school. I had never done most of the work that they needed me to do, but I am a quick learner (no seriously) so 6 days after losing one job I started another one which I knew next to nothing about. But the hours work for me, I can still go to school and pretty much set my own hours at will – I guess that’s the perks of knowing the boss most of my life! And most of all, since my boss is a deacon at my church he will not stand in the way of my involvement in church for fear of the wrath of the pastor, JK.

I have now worked 6 full days at my new job, and I have to say who knew that sitting behind a desk all day could be so exhausting?!

But beyond my personal life, we have been in full Christmas play mode at church. Nothing like having one play get thrown out at the last minute and having to scramble to write and re-write another one ready in 3 days so that we can actually be ready by the time we have to perform it! It has been crazy, with everything piling on at once, but I am thankful to have a good job with a wonderful boss, to have people in my life who will call me out on my bullshit and who will lift me up when I’m down.

With the final weeks of classes, final exams, work, Thanksgiving, and Christmas play practices: I know my schedule will not let up, instead it will only get more intense as the weeks drag in and I will be completely elated when the calender reads January 2. But I am thankful that I have someone to work this hard for, that my Sunday School kids will have an awesome Christmas to look forward to like the ones that my friends and I now look back on.

I wish for you all who may be in the same boat as me to have patience and to continually remind yourself that one day these kids will look back on all the wonderful memories that they are making, and how wonderful it is that you will be in those memories!

Blessing my friends, I hope all of you are having a wonderful autumn and are getting to enjoy all of your loved ones company.